Monday, January 4, 2010

Pulse diagnosis from a 10,000 foot view: Time Space State

Dear All:
Thursday, January 14th 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm PST Pulse diagnosis from a 10,000 foot view: Time Space State. I provide the backbone for my dissertation on Chinese Pulse Diagnosis: Epistemology, Practice and Tradition. It's free, it's cool.

Click here to watch the webinar:

Pulse diagnosis from a 10,000 foot view explores pulse from the perspective of how we build clinical knowledge from the pulse. It structures the information according to time, space and state. Useful methods are discussed, such as the use of the three burners for selecting back shu points. Warmly,


Other topics this month on TCMTV - go to this link and click on the calendar option for access

Tuesday January 19th 7-8pm PST Biomedical View of Shang Han Lun

In the biomedical view of Shan Han Lun, we will explore western physiological concepts related to the practice of Shang Han Lun. We discuss concepts such as the peripheral nervous system, the sympathetic-parasympathetic axis and the affects of the neuro-vascular-humeral loop. Western systems theory is woven into the Shang Han Lun Stages.

Tuesday January 26th 7-8pm PST Politics of Evidence

Politics of evidence is a discussion that is vital to the evolution of Chinese medicine in the west. With the advent of Evidence Based Medicine, we are quickly defining what constitutes good knowledge. This presentation speaks about the risks, benefits and alternatives to the emerging Evidence Based Medicine standards.